Tips for minimising eye strain when using digital devices

While so many of us are working from home, we are probably relying on the screens of our digital devices for longer unbroken periods. Optometry Australia’s Good Vision For Life initiative has some great tips on how we can reduce eye strain.

  • Sit at least an arm’s length from the computer screen, and try not to hold your tablet or smartphone too close to your eyes.

  • Take regular breaks using the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, shift your eyes to look at an object at least 20 feet away (six metres), for at least 20 seconds.

  • Use lubricant eye-drops or artificial tears to refresh your eyes when they feel dry. Consider using a humidifier if working in an air-conditioned or heated environment.

  • Avoid using screens in an otherwise dark room and set up computer screens so there are not reflections from windows on the screen.

  • Apps and programs like F.Lux and Apple Night Shift can help reduce blue light from LED screens, particularly helpful for those using devices late at night.

  • Common conditions such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism or presbyopia can exacerbate eye strain so ensure you have regular eye examinations with your optometrist to maintain good vision, for life.

You can read more on their website.

If you’re having any issues with eye strain, don’t hesitate to get in touch - 9349 3919 or